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Oncolytic Coxsackievirus


The Coxsackie Group B3 Virus Strain CVB3 PD-0

Possible Advantages
  • Doesn’t cause severe side effects.
  • Could potentially be targeted to several types of cancer.
  • It can potentially become a platform for the creation of new (more effective) virus strains.
  • Patent of 2017.
  • Possibly should be used with other recognized treatments.
  • Partial lysis of cancer cells, i.e., does not lead to complete healing. It is only prolong the patient’s life.

The Fundamental Indication

Colorectal cancer

Additional indications

  • Pancreatic cancer
  • Lung cancer


Henry Fechner, DVM \ Ahmet Hazini \ Vanessa Brueckner

Patent owner

Technical University of Berlin

Patent number

US 10,639,337

Primary financing

Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 (IMI2-JU) under grant agreement №115797 INNODIA

Technology copyright holder

NIVIRON INC based on an option contract giving exclusive rights to obtain rights to the technology


Conducted studies

  • Viral plaque assay
  • Cell killing assay
  • Heparin inhibition assay
  • HS6ST2 quantification
  • CVB3 RNA quantification
  • Flow cytometric analysis of CAR and DAF expression
  • In situ hybridization
Animal Experiments
  • DLD-1 cells (5×106 cells) were inoculated s.c. into the right and left flanks of 6-week-old female Balb/C nude mice. Tumor burdens were measured daily by hand caliper.
  • CVB3 strains were injected intratumorally at a dose of 3×106 plaque forming units (pfu) per animal into one of the tumors when the tumor size reached 0.4–0.5 cm

The following analyses were applied
  • Histopathological analysis
  • Statistical analysis was performed with Graph-Pad Prism (GraphPad Software, Inc., La Jolla, CA)

All animal experiments were performed in accordance with the principles of laboratory animal care.


of oncolytic efficiency and safety of the strain PD


of PD efficacy with CVB3 variant H3N-375/1 TS and with CVA21 on pancreatic carcinoma cell lines and melanoma cell lines

H3N-375/1 TS
was engineered at the Technical University of Berlin by a team of scientists led by Henry Fechner and Ahmet Hazini.

is an investigational virus-based therapy developed by Viralytics. An inventor is Professor Darren Shafren.
Oncolytic activity of PD was shown in colorectal carcinomas. No comparision with other oncolytic viruses was done.

Aim of the study
Comparison of PD with H3N-375/1TS (also an oncolytic CVB3, which we developed (Hazini et al. 2021) and with Coxsackievirus A21, which is already under clinical investigation for several cancer diseases.


PD against colorectal carcinoma cells


Growth curve

PD is most potent in colorectal carcinoma cells


PD against melanoma cells


Growth curve

PD is more potent than H3N-375/1TS. Compared to CVA21 it is similar (in individual cell lines it is better (SK-Mel-19), in others CVA21 is better (A-375))


PD against pancreas carcinoma cells


Growth curve

PD is most potent in pancreas carcinoma cell lines

PD has strong oncolytic activity in pancreas carcinoma cell lines and melanoma cell lines


PD has higher cytotoxic activity than H3N-375/1 TS and CVA21 in colorectal cancer and pancreatic cell lines. The virus also has a higher cytotoxicity than H3N-375/1TS in melanoma cells, whereas it is comparable to CVA21 in melanoma cell lines.

Also, these results give grounds to believe that the PD virus, in addition to colorectal carcinomas, may also be promising for the treatment of melanoma and pancreatic cancer.


Besides colorectal carcinomas PD may also be promissing for treatment of melanoma and pancreas carcinomas

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